
You might be asking yourself, what is Naturopathy and what does it involve?

Naturopathic practice is a comprehensive system of healthcare that combines traditional healing approaches with contemporary health science knowledge. Naturopathy practice emphasises disease prevention and healthy living and believes that in many circumstances, the body has the ability to self-heal using natural methods.

Central to the modern naturopathic practice is the philosophy that health is enhanced by improving the vitality of the patient and using natural methods to restore the innate healing ability of the body. Naturopathy takes a holistic approach to heal the body, mind, and spirit and emphasises the importance of treating all aspects of health including lifestyle, social and environmental factors.

The Seven Principles of Naturopathy are:

  • First, do no harm
  • Act in cooperation with the healing power of nature
  • Seek, identify, and treat the fundamental cause of illness
  • Treat the whole person using individualised care plans
  • Practitioner as teacher
  • Focus on disease prevention and health promotion
  • Wellness practices

A Naturopathic treatment plan can combine bespoke herbal liquid formulas, vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements.

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How does Homeopathy work?

Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s own defense mechanism to correct the process which has lead to the disease condition. According to our current understanding, the homeopathic preparations act as an energy signal. The signal is picked up by nerves and relayed to the higher centers of the brain, which in turn stimulates our bodies healing powers to take specific corrective measures. The homeopathic preparation triggers the body about What to do and then the actual work is done by the body itself.

How effective is Homeopathy?

A groundbreaking report was published in 2011 by the Swiss Federal Government called "Homeopathy in Healthcare – Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Costs." This report was an HTA report. HTA is short for Health Technology Assessment, an established scientific procedure which, in contrast to the Cochrane Collaboration Standards, examines not only the efficacy of a particular intervention, but especially also its ‘real-world effectiveness’, its appropriateness, safety and economy. HTAs are therefore much wider in scope and more informative. They include material that is ‘normally’ not taken into consideration, such as observational studies, good case series and longitudinal cohort studies. The report was prompted by the high demand and widespread use and acceptance of homeopathy in Switzerland. At the same time, mainstream medicine has concern that homeopathy is ineffective, if not harmful. The question asked by the Swiss Government was: how could they satisfy society while meeting the requirements of scientific medicine?

In summary, the report found that: there is sufficient evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy; there is sufficient evidence for the safety of homeopathy; homeopathy is cost-effective when compared with conventional treatment; patient satisfaction is high and homeopathy "is a highly popular intervention and future research methods must respect the unique qualities of homeopathy."

What’s the difference between Naturopathy and Homeopathy?

Naturopathy is an umbrella term used to include many different natural therapies like herbs, supplements, massage, diet, hair analysis etc and may include some Homeopathy as well. Homeopathy, however, is a separate practice in its own right.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy utilises a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment. Your naturopath individualises a program which may include herbal medicine, homeopathy, iridology, dietary advice & lifestyle modifications. Naturopathic philosophy respects the innate healing power of the body.

How often should I have an appointment?

Some complaints may need a follow up appointment in a few days or a week. Ongoing complaints will usually be reviewed every 3 to 4 weeks. As you get better the appointments will be less frequent. Once well, some people may benefit from a check up every 6 months.

How long does Naturopathy take to work?

The timeline for experiencing results with naturopathy varies widely based on individual factors, the nature of the health concern, and adherence to prescribed lifestyle changes. While some may notice improvements relatively quickly, others may experience gradual progress over time, particularly in addressing chronic or deeply rooted issues. Consistency, patience, and open communication with your naturopathic practitioner are key components in achieving holistic well-being.

Do Naturopaths prescribe Vitamins?

Yes, sometimes a Naturopath will prescribe vitamins, they can also create custom herbal tonics and prescribe supplements, your treatment plan is specific for you.

Does Homeopathy really work?

The effectiveness of homeopathy has been a subject of ongoing debate within the medical community. Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like" and involves using highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Some people report positive experiences with homeopathic treatments, finding relief from various ailments.